




ADHD Awareness is the only way to help people with ADHD. It helps them seek treatment and removes the stigma.

October is ADHD Awareness Month. ADHD Awareness is higher than its ever been. But we remember a time when, if a person was constantly late, couldn’t focus, was randomly irritated, and often found it extremely hard to finish anything, they were considered to be lazy, or even irrational. Of course, it’s hard to understand a person’s behavior unless you dive deep into their issues. Thanks to ADHD Awareness, we now know these people aren’t lazy, but suffering from a disorder. These behaviors could be taken one step further, and were used to describe “naughty children.” It was often the case that if a child was disruptive, had difficulty focusing, and didn’t find it easy to learn new things, they were just lazy and misbehaved. It wasn’t until a few years ago, thanks to ADHD Awareness, that ADHD/ADD was found to be a very real thing, and therefore an answer to many of the issues people were suffering from in silence.

ADHD Awareness has also taught us you don’t have to be a child to suffer from ADHD/ADD. Diagnoses of ADD/ADHD in New York are on the rise, and more and more adults are finding that they fit the symptom bill too, making ADHD Awareness more important than ever. The worrying thing, however, is that countless adults are out there trying to deal with their symptoms, when really there is a problem that they could have help with, but they don’t know about due to their lack of ADHD Awareness.

ADD/ADHD is not something to throw into a non-descript bin, and it isn’t something that is just a random tagline for a random condition, and lack of ADHD Awareness has caused it to be used as such. The sheer amount of research that has gone into ADHD Awareness and understanding this sometimes debilitating condition has shown that whether child or adult, ADHD Awareness is important to inform people about the illness and if they may have it.

Here at Trifecta Health, under the watchful eye of NYC Psychiatrist Dr. Edward Fruitman, we believe ADHD awareness will help everyone learn about the symptoms and if they have ADHD. We have a range of ADD/ADHD treatment options available for sufferers of the condition, whether diagnosed at the time of the meeting or not. We can help you raise your ADHD awareness to better understand your condition, manage it, and we can offer treatment to help make life that much easier for you and your family. We also understand that ADHD/ADD doesn’t just affect the sufferer, it affects everyone around them too, and we have a range of advice and counseling options to get you through the first ADHD awareness stage, and to arm you with the knowledge, hints, and tips to live your lives with the methods to jump over any potential stumbling blocks that may lie ahead or crop up from time to time. As your ADHD Awareness increases, it will become easier and easier to live with.

The bottom line here is that more understanding has to be put into this condition, to really help people understand and ADHD Awareness is the only way to accomplish that. ADD/ADHD makes a person think and act in a different way, and it can be extremely upsetting for the person concerned. The good news? Help is certainly very much at hand.

Call today at (800) 385-3905 to Trifecta Health – ADHD Clinic in New York – and make an appointment with top NYC doctors.

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